
flagrams (15:56:49)
und was treibst du?

flagrams (15:56:39)
Achja, arbeit: Ich habe viele Jahre bei einer Firma gearbeitet, die insolvent wurde im Frühjahr. Jetzt bin ich in einer kleinen Bude beschäftigt, aber wir machen immer noch das selbe wie vorhin :D

flagrams (10:55:42)
..dafür sind jetzt Prinzessinen und Disney Verkleidung angesagt

flagrams (9:52:55)
Die Elsazeit ist bereits am abklingen, aber ..

flagrams (9:51:55)
Sorry war gestern dann wieder etwas eskaliert :D die kleine ist 5.5

flagYolina (20:13:41)

flagYolina (20:12:48)

flagYolina (20:07:50)

flagYolina (20:07:29)

flagYolina (20:06:46)
Was macht die Arbeit? Was tust du grade?

Oneliner History

Who's Online


Welcome to Big Beat Radio!

Welcome to (also known as
We are an independent Radiostation streaming 24/7 from Switzerland. Our Radio is 100% community based.

This means:
- Artists can upload their own tracks
- We have a live chatsystem called oneliner, where you can stay in touch with other members
- Registered Users are able to request songs, add artists, write comments on tracks and last but not least RATE SONGS, which will affect the overall playlist
So what are you waiting for? Registration is free - join our community now :)

Register Now!

Stream stopped. Radio in peril.

Big Beat Radio has for now stopped its stream. The reason is the dissolution of the organization. We cannot continue our Radio as it is now for fear of legal repercussions.
We are searching for solutions. For the time being you will have to listen to the Big Beat station or Criminal Tribes radio.

If you want to help out or more information please write to or

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streamer by maep, code by rams

100% free software

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